Tina Turner

Tina Turner

Tina Turner passed away on 24 May 2023. She was born Anna Mae Bullock on 26 November 1939 at 22:10 in Brownsville, Tennessee, USA. Birth Chart Here is her birth chart.  (If you are new to astrology, click here to learn a bit about how it works.  <Click Here> One...
Mad Man – Chart Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer

Mad Man – Chart Analysis of Jeffrey Dahmer

I was watching Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story on Netflix. As a typical astrologer, I asked myself what in his astrological chart would be the significators that would make him the way he was. Was he born to be a killer or did his life lead down that path? When you...


(December 2021) Note: If you are not familiar with astrology, this article will explain some concepts for you.  <Click Here> Desmond Tutu was an Anglican Archbishop from South Africa who rose to fame and popularity as an opponent to Apartheid, South...
Understanding OJ Simpson

Understanding OJ Simpson

O .J. Simpson is currently serving 33 years in prison for his contribution to a kidnapping, arms felony and robbery charge was granted parole on July 20, 2017, at approximately noon. While I am not attempting to exonerate him of any crimes, I wanted to see if there is...