SoulbodyFebruary 2025 – Happy Valentine’s!
Aries (March 20 – April 20)
Sometimes, that gut feeling is indigestion instead of intuition, but not this month. This month, you’ll be getting a full dose of gut feeling paired with due diligence. It will be a period where you can take hopes and dreams and turn them into reality. However, make sure you take time to rest when you are tired because there is a chance when you pour all your energy into something, you might burn out. Learn to pace yourself. Watch for relationships that develop during this period. Not everything will be transparent about them. Remember that gut feeling? Look at things realistically.
Taurus (April 20 – May 21)
The future is bright, but it will be brighter if you put some effort into making things happen. You have to plant the seeds, but once you’ve done that, the job is not over. You have to keep working and continue on the steady path forward. Watch out for power struggles and look to plough through the roadblocks you will encounter. Don’t do it in a belligerent way but in a more diplomatic way. You don’t want to alienate any potential allies. Use charisma and charm, and don’t let those old wounds you have buried affect how you handle situations.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Typically, a detailed focus and ability to take in the details is good. However, your focus will have to be on the bigger picture. Take those details and build something extraordinary. Embrace the power of global vision. Don’t limit yourself to the neighbourhood when the other side of the ocean is available to you. Imagine if you break down the borders that limit your profession and passion and reconstruct them to your liking. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Go after what you want, and don’t take no for an answer. Be the bigger you are, and you can develop a following.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Cancers are typically known as homebodies, but this month, they have to try to move out of their protective shell in order to expand their horizons. To do so could be anything from planning a trip to a foreign country to just a different neighbourhood. Embarking on a new course of study could be the way to do that, too. Use that insight to make things better by taking action. Don’t sit there hoping things turn out better. It is up to you to make things happen. It would be an excellent time to negotiate loans or mortgages. Embrace your potential to do great things for yourself.
Did you know:
newspaper daily horoscopes were created in the 1930s?
Leo (July 22 – August 23)
If you were ever going to be a negotiator, this is the time to be one. Not only will charisma and powerful speech be intrinsic to your nature, but you will have wisdom to back it up. However, do not use this energy in negatively because you can really mess things up in the future. Your words can come back to haunt you. So, be conscious of what you are saying and try not to let hidden anger issues creep up into the conversation. Also, don’t get too delusional about your abilities. Know your limitations, and either improve or hold steady.
Virgo (August 23 – September 23)
Sometimes, rolling up your sleeves and getting into the dirt is necessary to get to the top. Don’t let other people’s hang-ups stop you from achieving all that can be done this month. They might not be ready to accept what you can do because they may be focusing on past issues. If those come up, remember that you cannot change the past, but you can control the future. You can transform, grow, and shed the deadwood aspects of your character. However, take time to rest in between all that hard work and enjoy the company of someone special.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
You are going to have to work hard to stay focused on the tasks at hand this month. You may become easily distracted, maybe because you may be daydreaming too much about what you would like to be doing. You want to have fun, and intense fun at that! This energy will make relationships get really spicey, so make the best of this time. Try not to get into arguments in public; rather, deal with dirty laundry at home. All that being said, February is a good month for romance, even if it is romancing yourself. Take in some entertainment to open your heart.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Your focus will be to make some self-improvement, be it at home or just for yourself. If you decide to shrug off some responsibilities, then pick up the slack with something that will carry you for the next few months. Try not to get off track because there are always more fun distractions to engage in. If you do, set time limits so you don’t go down the rabbit hole and accomplish nothing. Do something artsy, be it by doing it or observing. It will open up the mind so that you can teach others. While you may not desire to be the teacher, respect will be gained.
Did you know:
your pets can be viewed by your sixth house and the house ruler?
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
It is time to do some research into the project you are working on, whether it is a new study, knitting a new sweater, or investing in some stocks. Make sure you take advice from people who have your best interests in mind. They know you best and can let you know if you are acting appropriately, and they can get you on track if you are not. Things might not seem like what they are at home. Try to keep everyone grounded as they may be romanticising matters. It is okay to dream, but make sure everything is in order before overspending on the finer things.
Capricorn (December 21 – January 20)
Let your emotions speak for themselves. If you were ever going to wax poetic, this is the month to do it because your mind and artistic nature will be walking hand in hand. You will understand those around you, almost like you are able to read their minds. This will help you gain control of situations you find yourself in. Watch for conflicts with partners, but this could be some spicy activity. Just make sure that things are in your best interest and that you are not just doing things out of responsibility. If you keep doing that, you can be resentful. Make things work.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
If you are considering making investments this month, be sure to check all the reference material before you pull the trigger. You will have a good sense of what to do and when, but don’t gamble unnecessarily. Know when to pull out when you are ahead because the thrill of the game may catch hold of you. Expect some serious and intense discussions this month because that is what will be drawn to you. Make the most of this period, as there will be a lasting transformative and influential energy to be utilised. Don’t be overbearing, but rather, don’t take others’ nonsense.
Pisces (February 18 – March 20)
Love is in the air, and you are the romantic of the zodiac. However, you will keep your heart protected. While typically, you have no guards, this month, you will. It might be the sixth sense that will keep you protected. Make this a time when you can focus on personal growth. Sure, we all eventually grow, but this month is special. Make the necessary adjustments, and it could be as simple as a new wardrobe or haircut. The other is to look at making radical changes to your outlook and ambitions. You don’t have to be the same old you, and you can transform.