People with a rudimentary understanding of astrology will compare what their Sun Sign is in order to determine compatibility.   This is like judging if you want to connect with someone by only seeing each other’s arms!  Okay, some people are attracted to only certain body parts but I will leave that alone.

As there are more parts of a person than the arm, there are more parts of the astrological chart than the Sun sign.  If that were the case my wife and I would not be compatible as our Sun signs are discordant.  What is important is our Suns are actually in a harmonious aspect to each other despite sign placement which is a minor irritant every once in a while.  Oh, apparently, I’m the irritant!! Remind me to write this when she’s not around!!!

Anyway, other indicators of compatibility are connections to the Ascendant (you) or the Descendant (your partners).  In my case, the planet that rules my Ascendant (who I am) is on my wife’s Descendant (her house of partners).  What this means is who I am is who she is looking for as a partner.  Oh, apparently, some of the time!!  I would also look for Mercury connections as Mercury is the planet of communication.  Usually, my wife communicates and I have to listen.

If you are having relationship issues and considering a long-term relationship, then check out a couple of my article on relationships: