On 6 February 2023, parts of Türkiye and Syria were rocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. This earthquake was equivalent to 7.2 million metric tonnes of TNT. There was massive destruction, and over 33,000 people have died so far.
Here is the chart of the Gaziantep earthquake. (Note Türkiye moved to UTC +3 in 2016)
Since 1900, Türkiye has experienced 104 earthquakes of a magnitude of 6 or greater. In this study, we are examining if there are any astrological trends in these earthquakes. We will examine the characteristics of the charts themselves and the chart of the earthquakes to the national chart of Türkiye.
Results – Moon Phase
The moon phases that earthquakes occurred more often in the balsamic phase as well as from the last quarter to the new Moon.
![Moon Phase](
Results – Signs
The positions of planets in signs were examined for the times of the earthquakes.
Previous Solar Eclipse Sign
The previous solar eclipse is also another factor that can be examined.
![Eclipse graph](
The February earthquake occurred during a Scorpio previous eclipse making it one of the rarer occurrences of major earthquakes. To illustrate the occurrences of solar eclipses in the signs, I used Alphee Lavoie’s Super Search to find the eclipse signs from 1900-2023. See the figure below. (Signs are Aries on top to Pisces on the bottom). The 2 in Scorpio occurred in 2022,2023 and the ones in Libra occurred in 1939 and in 1976.
Results – Houses
The charts are calculated for the Placidus house system.
![House -Nept-Eclipse](
Understanding the chi-square distribution value is important to understand some of the values listed in this study. Chi-square is calculated by observing the value measured and compared to what was expected. A chi-square value of 3.84 equals a 95% probability of an event happening. Keep in mind that if an event has a characteristic with a 100% probability, it will be very likely but not guaranteed, as several factors must be considered.
Earthquake Chart
This study looked at several criteria, such as planets and asteroids in sign, house (Placidus), and declination. Moon phases, aspects of planetary phases and the speed of planets were also examined using statistical analysis and chi-square values against a control group.
The control group was a group of 25 randomly generated charts for every earthquake chart, with the results normalised to 104 to align with the earthquake charts.
Below is a list of significant events that happen often in Turkish earthquakes.
Below is a list of significant events that happen seldom in Turkish earthquakes.
Looking at the chart of the Gaziantep earthquake and comparing it to the criteria found in Turkish earthquakes, you can see that there are almost equal amounts of signatures that occur seldom as do often if we use the cut-off of 2.5 chi-square. However, significant values are 3.84 or a probability of 95%. Of those then there are 7 events that occur often and 5 that occur seldom.
![Gaziantep - Character](
Study of Earthquakes to the Turkish Natal Chart
The nation of Türkiye came into being on 29 October 1923 at 20:30 in Ankara.
![Turkiye Chart](
If we examine the transits of the 104 earthquakes to the nation chart of Türkiye, the results are below.
![Transit listing](
What is interesting is the declination of the transiting planets to the declination of the Turkish natal Mars. The hits to Mars make up the top six criteria. The declination of Saturn to natal Mars is over half of the earthquakes.
If we look at how often these declinations occur shown in the chart below, one can see half the earthquakes occurred during the rare occurrence of Saturn parallel the natal Mars. That event happens every 14 years or so and only lasts periods of a few months.
![Declinations over time](
This study shows some contributors that occur in earthquakes in Turkey, but there is additional work which needs to be done. Looking at additional criteria and developing a Neural Network model will help develop tools to be able to predict earthquakes in the future.