Mercury and Its Shadow

Mercury and Its Shadow

It is the end of November 2024, and Mercury has gone retrograde. What does this mean? It means the apparent motion of the planet seems to move in the opposite direction that it usually does when measured against the backdrop of the constellations. The Sun and Moon...
USA 2024 Election

USA 2024 Election

With the US election coming up, everyone is wondering who will win. In the United States, their election is held on the first Tuesday of November of every fourth year, regardless of whether the government has a minority or majority rule because the president is...
Sean Combs’ Rectified Chart

Sean Combs’ Rectified Chart

Rectifying Sean Combs Birth Chart My wife asked me what is going on in Sean Combs or P Diddy’s chart. He is a hip-hop artist, producer, and businessman who started fashion lines as well as colognes. Recently, he was arrested on allegations of sex trafficking and...
Donald Trump Shooting

Donald Trump Shooting

Donald Trump Shooting I was talking to my friend, Alphee Lavoie, after the July holiday weekend, and he said that something severe was going to happen in the USA around the middle of the month. On 13 July 2024, there was an attempt on Donald Trump’s life as he was...
Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

INTRODUCTION Taylor Swift is the biggest thing these days. People are dishing out a fortune just to see a pop star, paying up to and over $1000 for a single ticket. Her stardom has solidified over the past few years. So, let’s look at the astrology of Taylor Swift....