

INTRODUCTION Saturn-Uranus Cycle was being discussed in an astrological group and how it can indicate recessions. Using Alphee Lavoie’s Super Search program, I plugged the harsh aspects into the program. The harsh aspects are the conjunctions (wrestling match), the...
Aeroplane Crashes

Aeroplane Crashes

Initial Study into Aeroplane Crashes. As part of the Astrological Investigators headed by Alphee Lavoie (, we like to explore various astrological phenomena for different vocations or diseases in birth charts or event charts. In this study,...
USA 2020 (Italiano)

USA 2020 (Italiano)

Gli Stati Uniti sono entrati in un periodo tumultuoso della sua storia. Il paese è leader mondiale nelle infezioni e decessi da Corona virus. Ci sono negazionisti da una parte che sostengono che è tutta una bufala e altri che hanno tenuto conto degli avvertimenti...
USA 2020 (Italiano)

USA 2020

The United States has entered a tumultuous period in its history.  The country is leading the world in Corona Virus infections and deaths.  There are the deniers on one side who claim it is all a hoax and others who have taken heed of the medical society warnings. ...