Rectifying Sean Combs Birth Chart

My wife asked me what is going on in Sean Combs or P Diddy’s chart. He is a hip-hop artist, producer, and businessman who started fashion lines as well as colognes. Recently, he was arrested on allegations of sex trafficking and sexual abuse occurring in his homes. Combs was born on 4 November 1969 in New York City. We do not have a birth time, so we cannot view his chart with any clarity.

What we know is Sean Combs is a Scorpio Sun. The Sabian symbol associated with that degree of Scorpio and its Taurus pairing is A man handling baggage / An inventor experimenting. He is a very entrepreneurial person, amassing a net worth of $1 billion. His Moon is in Virgo. While the Moon can move +/-6° in a day, it will still be in Virgo, ranging from 3-15° of Virgo. A Virgo Moon person can be concise, neat, reserved, adaptable, and intelligent. On the negative traits, he can be a stickler, overly organised, intolerant and, according to Banzhaf and Haebler, a person with sexual hangups.

Lawsuit filed by Casandra Venture

The first lawsuit began on 16 November 2023 when ex-partner Casandra Venture alleged that she was trafficked, raped and beaten. Combs denied the accusations, and the two settled out of court. At that time, he had the transiting past Solar Eclipse on his Jupiter and transiting Uranus in a quincunx to Jupiter. The Solar Eclipse is a powerful event that will last a while. Superimposed are the converse transits for that day, and Jupiter is conjunct his North Node.

Transiting Pluto was coming within a degree of his natal Mars. Pluto transits can last two years, suggesting this will be a rough ride for him since Pluto and Mars rule sex, power, and domination. Pluto is also about dark secrets and will tear down things that cannot stand.

The aspects show that Jupiter is a significant planet in his chart and could be the possible ruler of his Ascendant (him) or his Midheaven (career/public life).

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Comb’s Arrest

On 17 September 2024, Combs was arrested in New York City and charged with racketeering, sex trafficking and transportation to engage in prostitution. The transit affecting this chart again is the previous transiting Solar Eclispse, which is opposite his natal Jupiter, thus repeating the theme of the previous lawsuit. Jupiter also rules laws.

Transiting Pluto was coming into orb to conjunct in November 2023, but now it has conjuncted and is retrograding back over Mars. Transiting Venus is also conjunct natal Venus, bringing the theme of women around again, although he is also accused of same-sex abuse.

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I tried to rectify the chart. Seeing that the two aforementioned events had a Jupiter factor, I am fairly certain Jupiter would be involved as a ruler of either the Ascendant or the Midheaven.

The events used in the rectification were:

  • 1998 Grammy win
  • 2004 Grammy win
  • Notorius Big’s first release
  • Changing name from Puff Daddy to P Diddy
  • Changing name from P Diddy to Diddy
  • Selling ½ of his company to Warner
  • Sean John Launch
  • Birth of first child

Using Alphee Lavoie’s Millennium Star Trax <click here> sensitive degree module and those dates, it picked a rough time or Ascendant degree. With additional adjustments, I ended up with a time of 14:38.

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Chart Analysis

This time gives the music mogul a Pisces Ascendant since Pisces is associated with music, drugs and escapism. The modern ruler of the chart, Neptune, and the Sun are both in the Eighth House of the underworld and taboos in Scorpio. states:

Sean John Combs, better known as P. Diddy, is one of the greatest success stories in living memory. Growing up in the tough streets of Harlem, he would rise from gangster and wannabe drug dealer to become a hip-hop mogul and one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world.

The galactic centre is on the Midheaven, suggesting that he would reach a level of prominence and fame in his career. Not everyone with this signature will reach this level of success, but maybe within their peer group or a moderate level of success.

The chart also has an intercepted sign in the First-Seventh House axis. The intercepted sign is Aries, and Aries can be a sign of violence and aggression. That means Mars in Aquarius is the co-ruler of the chart. Mars is in the rebellious and unusual sign of Aquarius. It makes an out-of-sign trine with the domineering Pluto in the Seventh House. This signature corroborates the accusations brought against him.

Chiron in his First House indicates that he is both a maverick empowered by opposition to the Pluto/Uranus mid-point. However, Chiron also deals with past wounds, with the Uranus/Pluto midpoint to Chiron reflecting his father’s murder when he was five years old. This is according to <click here>

He has Saturn in the Second House. To some, this could mean poverty since Saturn deals with limits and difficulties. However, Saturn is also about structure and order and with Saturn opposite Mercury, the ruler of money and commerce and in the Eighth House, it indicates someone who has excellent business acumen, as shown by his net worth through his business ventures.

Based on the rectified chart, I’m assuming the trial will either start or be completed by February 2025. If he does any jail time, he could be released by the spring of 2031.


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