Donald Trump Shooting

I was talking to my friend, Alphee Lavoie, after the July holiday weekend, and he said that something severe was going to happen in the USA around the middle of the month. On 13 July 2024, there was an attempt on Donald Trump’s life as he was holding a rally in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania.

You do not really see the assassination attempt in the transits, but it becomes quite evident when you examine the converse-transit chart. The converse transit looks at the planetary placements if you go back in time from birth the same amount of time as the present. Note: For the USA chart, I am using the Alphee Lavoie (rectified) chart instead of the typical Sibley chart.

USA- Donald Trump shooting

The previous transiting eclipse and Uranus on the USA’s descendant suggests there will be a surprise intense event possibly coming from an enemy. Transiting Uranus on Mars suggests there will be an unexpected violent event, either by aggression or some catastrophic accident. Transiting Mars is conjunct the USA’s Sun, again suggesting some type of violent event. It is one thing if only one of these events occurs, but when you have three, it is a different story.

Trump-Crooks Synastry

What we know of the attempted assassin is his name is Thomas Crooks, and he was born on 20 September 2003 in Butler, Pennsylvania. We don’t have a time for him, so we will have to use a noon chart. Let us superimpose his chart on Trump’s.

Crooks Trump Synnastry

Crooks’ North Node or his direction in life is tied to Trump’s Midheaven, meaning their destinies are tied to each other. The powerful energy of their prenatal solar eclipse are also connected to each other. Crooks’ Neptune, meaning illusions/delusions, is connected to Trump’s Pluto, showing that he was fascinated by the former President’s death. Uranus/Mars connections either signify accidents or random violent acts, and both planets are on Trump’s seventh house cusp of enemies, meaning he would bring violence to the President.

An event in Trump’s life in September 2003 is listed as a big real estate deal worth $1.4B, as indicated by Mars, ruler of his fourth house, which includes events such as real estate. Uranus rules his seventh house of partnerships. However, the connection between the young man’s life and that of Trump plays out in a different manner.

Trump’s Transits

What was happening in Donald Trump’s chart at the time of the attempt? By transit, he had transiting Mars and Uranus on the cusp of the Tenth house. This violence was going to be a public event and will go on to define him. Transiting Neptune, the ruler of his Eighth House of death and transformation, in the Eighth House, was quincunx to the Ascendant, bringing much-needed adjustments to his routine. This was a near-death experience.

Donald Trump shooting transits

Trump’s Solar Arcs

Continuing with the near-death theme, in Converse Solar Arcs, he has transiting Pluto solar arc on his Midheaven. Pluto is the planet of death and power, and the Midheaven is the person’s public persona suggesting Trump could have been killed. However, he actually became more empowered by the event. The Converse Solar Arc prenatal eclipse on the cusp of his Eighth House of death and transformation also lends itself to this theme.


While he was not killed, there is part of him that will have that scar for the rest of his life. Watch for events around 21 September 2024.

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