It’s Valentine’s Day this month, and you’re sitting at a bar, and someone says to you, “Hey, baby! What’s your sign?” So, people are probably wondering about their compatibility with a potential mate or even their current relationship.

The average person knows their Sun sign or their “astrological sign”. Your Sun sign is based on your birthday. People born on the cusps think they have two signs, but in fact, there is only one sign you have, and it is dependent on the time you were born. I, myself, would have been a different sign if I had been born five hours later. (click here for my article on cusps.)

Nevertheless, there is a common understanding that signs in the same or compatible element work together better according to pop astrology culture.

Signs of the same element are best, and the same elemental energy is good. The opposites are worse.


Male Element


Feminine Element

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces



The idea is if you connect with someone in the same element or the complementary element, you are a good match. This is a very simplistic way of looking at things because you are not just your Sun sign. There are other planets and angles that have a significant factor in relationships.




Your essence of being


How do you get your needs met


How you communicate


What you value


What you desire, sexual drive


Your religious views


Your fears or your rules

Ascendant/Descendant Axis

Your outward personality/ your partner


Your family/your career


If you’re an Aries and your partner is a Capricorn, the first chart might suggest you’re not naturally compatible. However, you have a Cancer rising, which is ruled by the Moon. Your Ascendant represents your outward personality, and its ruling planet reflects how that energy is projected. In your case, your Moon is conjunct your partner’s Descendant—the point that signifies the type of person they seek in a relationship. This alignment suggests that your external personality aligns perfectly with what your partner desires in a partner.

Another example would be you are a Taurus, and the person you are dating is a Libra. With the first chart, you would be very compatible. However, your Mercury and their Mars are in a square configuration. Squares are conflicting aspects, and Mercury is the planet of communication, while Mars is the planet of war. What does this mean? Well, while you have similar ideals, you will argue most of the time. Libra likes peace and doesn’t like conflict, and with Mars squaring Mercury, how do you think that will go? Now, if both are Aries, it could be exciting times because both are in for a battle, or it could be Hiroshima all over again!

Let’s say while they might have incompatible Sun signs, one person has their Moon on the other’s Sun. That means the Sun person’s character is how the other person gets their needs met or is attracted to them emotionally.

What if you are in conflicting Sun signs, but your Venus are making a complimentary aspect to each other? Does that mean your relationship will fail or do well?

As you are starting to see, this is not as simple as it seems. There are many aspects to a relationship. This is why consulting an astrologer with your birth times will help you navigate through the difficulties of a relationship and not just saying I’m a Sagittarius, so I cannot date a Pisces.





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